The Vegan Food Blog

Your daily dose of easy vegan recipes!

Seitan Chingalingas

Seitan Chingalingas

20 mins30 mins
Once you get past the tongue twister name, you realise these are basically burrito/quesadillas.
Vegan Mushroom Pate

Vegan Mushroom Pate

10 mins15 mins
While not quite the level of Fois Gras, Pate is still sometimes made by artificially fattening up poultry livers in some less than humane ways.
Slow Cooked Apple Oats

Slow Cooked Apple Oats

15 mins300 mins
Most oat recipes focus on baking the oats in the oven, which is great, but can sometimes end up a tad dry.
Almond Butter Pie

Almond Butter Pie

30 mins
Another completely raw recipe, no baking needed. The recipe calls for a special type of blender called the "dessert bullet", but just use your favourite blender to mash your bananas.
Vegan Sour Cream

Vegan Sour Cream

10 mins
Whether it's potato wedges, nachos, or bean taco's, you need sour cream.
Veggie Chow Mein

Veggie Chow Mein

5 mins10 mins
Asian style stir fries are a vegans best friend. They are so easy to whip up.