The Vegan Food Blog

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Vegan Chocolate and Caramel Doughnuts

Vegan Chocolate and Caramel Doughnuts

Credit / Recipe Link : One Green Planet

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Main Ingredients : Flour, Corn Starch, Slax Seed Meal, Butter Milk, Brown Sugar, Vanilla, Vegan Chocolate Chips, Agave Syrup, Soy Milk

An amazingly tasty vegan treat. This is an awesome alternative to the regular greasy egg infused doughnuts you normally get. Just eat in moderation! The caramel glaze frosting uses quite a bit of sugar, definitely enough to affect your waistline. Check down the bottom for a simple changeup to make these gluten-free as well.

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